Vol 8, No 2 (2016)

All articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.

Vol 8, No 2 (2016)

Table of Contents


On the Metaphorics of Sweets and Meats  (PDF)

Grzegorz A. Kleparski

Abstract: This paper is aimed to be a contribution to the study of foodsemy, that is one of the recently much studied subtypes of metaphorical transfer where the source category are lexical items related to the category FOODSTUUFS while the target domain is the category HUMAN BEING. This type of figurative transfer has received much attention in, among others, the works of Rzeszów-based semanticists, such as Kleparski (2008a, 2008b) Cymbalista (2009) and Kudła (2016). In what follows we argue for both the sensory and non-sensory nature of foodsemic transfers on the one hand, and – on the other hand – try to provide evidence to show that one may speak of certain paths which this type of metaphor follows.

A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Polish and American Prison Slang within the Context of Selected Translation Techniques in Films with Subtitles  (PDF)

Katarzyna Sandra Nosek 

Abstract: Cultural differences around the world may pose problems for translators who face issues connected with finding equivalents in source and target language occurred in the films. One of the most difficult styles is constantly changing, the hermetic and colloquial variety known as slang. Depending on the environment, it may vary, even in one language, of which an example is prison slang used by convicts to communicate with one another. Although very pejorative and full of negative connotations, it is a very curious subject matter to analyze, as well as, to investigate how it is translated, because more and more films about criminal environments are being produced. This study examines which translation techniques were used in the cases of the movies: Lockdown (2000), American Me (1992) and Animal Factory (2000). The research focuses on the issues connected with the most often used translation techniques, the reasons of using them, the other possible solutions, the untranslatable phrases and with translating taboo words.

La dimension publicitaire du storytelling politique  (PDF)

Andreea Monica State 

Résumé: Le thème général de cet article fait référence à la dimension publicitaire de la narration politique. J'ai choisi ce sujet parce que les histoires font partie de la vie humaine depuis longtemps, utilisées pour transmettre la tradition et enseigner des modèles de comportement social. Récemment, des histoires ont été utilisées de plus en plus souvent à des fins diverses telles que la publicité, la gestion ou la politique. Cet article vise à réaliser une recherche qualitative qui combine l'analyse du contenu et l'analyse du discours. En dehors de la base théorique qui vise à clarifier les concepts de base de la recherche, j’ tudie la narration politique utilisée par l'ancien Président Traian Basescu et l'ancien Premier Ministre Victor Ponta dans les biographies en ligne, puis une analyse de leurs discours lors de la Fête Nationale de la Roumanie et l'Union des Principautés Roumaines.

Negotiating Political Responsibility in Times of National Tragedy  (PDF)


Abstract: This paper examines the way political responsibility is constructed through discourse by Romanian politicians in the Web 2.0 era. Drawing on an analytical framework proposed by Augoustinos, Hastie and Wright (2011), based on discursive psychology, and critical discourse analysis, this paper analyses the Facebook messages released by the main political actors in Romania, after the Colectiv nightclub fire. The empirical endeavour is guided by two research objectives: to analyse the discursive strategies used to create discursive identities, to assign political responsibility and to express solidarity with the victims; and to analyse a specific kind of rhetoric, the political apology, focusing on its pragmatic and linguistic features and on the emotion categories (empathy, sympathy, anger, guilt, sadness) deployed to deliver the apology. The results of the study show that when faced with a situation where the offender is hard to define, political actors prefer the use of another speech act: the expression of solidarity and compassion. While the political apology is offered only after and explicit demand, the expression of solidarity is offered promptly and willingly.

Online PR in the EU. A Study about Online Communication in Public Relations  (PDF)

Iulian Veghes 

Abstract: The “Online PR in EU” research aimed to review online communication in PR activity across the EU. The results have shown that in today‟s PR, at least in the reviewed space, the main communication channel is Internet, as, in average, 59% of the specific activity happens online. We see that PR has adapted their techniques to the new requirements of the networked society. Two other important conclusions which can be drawn from this study: the first regards the availability of a cultural unity of the European area, as the results of the research have been surprisingly consistent across the analyzed countries. The second conclusion concerns the existence of “One of Many” communication model (the interactive-informal communication) which, in the context of the interconnected society, places the organizations on equal footing with the connected individuals (both mentioned types of social actors having the same communication power in the online social systems).